Leading printer employs Augmented Reality (AR) to push the boundaries of the modern factory with help from Hamilton Cornell and PTC Corp.
As we began to map out how we would undergo a digital transformation, it became clear that to be successful, we needed to implement AR” said Linda Smith, president of Standard Modern a leading regional print form located in New Bedford, MA. “Printing is an age old industry that is in the middle of some […]
Project Bread Walk for Hunger
Here are some pieces we printed for the Project Bread Walk for Hunger yesterday! Congrats on 50 years, and over 1 billion meals served in Massachusetts to end hunger! “We don’t wait for change, we walk for it!” #ProjectBread #WalkForHunger
MBTA graphics installation
We recently printed and installed these floor graphics for the MBTA. This is just one of many use cases for our floor graphics!
Check out this awesome conference room we vinyled!
Looking for a way to spice up for conference room? Look no further! #WallVinyl #InstallationOfTheDay
Buzzard’s Bay Vintage Map
Check out a few angles of this vintage map of Buzzard’s Bay, printed and installed for a local yacht club! This map is printed on canvas with a wooden frame.
Waiting Room Wall Install
#InstallationOfTheDay This image of Boston was installed in 4 panels, and seamlessly transformed this waiting room!
Recent wall install
#InstallationOfTheDay A few recent installs for one of our food distributor partners!
Check out what we printed for UNO
In honor of #NationalDeepDishPizzaDay, check out some recent installations we completed for UNO Pizzeria & Grill!
More pictures from a recent hospital installation!
The printing and installation of these wall-graphics are just the beginning of our capabilities at Standard Modern Company! Take a look at our business brochure for a quick glance of our capabilities –>
Have you heard of the Wall Noodle?
Check out some pictures of a recent print and installation we completed for Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA)! Learn more about the Wall Noodle, a repositionable adhesive, that we used here –>
Menu printing for UNO’s
In honor of #NationalChiliDay, check out a few pictures of the menus we print regularly for Uno’s Pizzeria & Grill! What is your favorite item on the menu?
Print and Install for Community College of Rhode Island
Check out a few pictures of 6mm Sintra signs we printed and installed for Community College of Rhode Island! Learn more about our wide format printing services here: #Print #Signage #banner #Directmail #Advertising #marketing #creative #success #office #business
Our holiday gift kit won a PINE Award of Excellence!
#TBT to last December, when our holiday gift kit was a winner in the Printing Industries of New England’s ‘Awards of Excellence’ competition! PINE – Printing Industries of New England #PrintWithStandardModern #Creative #Success #Print #DirectMail #Signage #Promo #Design #Art #Entrepreneur #Marketing #Advertising
PPAI Expo at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center
#TBT to last week at the PPAI Expo at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Vegas! #TellYourStoryWithStandardModern
Introducing our new Summa F1832 flatbed cutter
Introducing the most versatile flatbed cutting system ever, the Summa F1832! Take a look at our new award winning solution for producing innovative signage, displays, samples, packaging applications, and more! #Signage #LargeFormat #sign #banner #poster #summa #f1832 #wideformat #posters #banners #signs #print #mail #creative #directmail #marketing #business #womanowned #success #sales #entrepreneur #offset #digital #digitalprinting #howto […]
Have you seen our Tide Calendars?
Looking for a creative advertising piece to send to clients, directly to consumers, or to other businesses? Check out our Tide Calendars! The perfect item for businesses near the coast, Tide Calendars include: Daily Tide Time and Heights, Sunrise and Sunset, Moon Phases, and Port Conversion Charts. Personalize your own Tide Calendars using the link […]
Elliot’s Ride for Everyone
It was our pleasure collaborating print and design with Bike Newport to launch such an amazing event for Elliot’s Ride for Everyone! So great to see so many people enjoying this event. Funds raised from Elliot’s Ride will support Bike Newport’s youth bicycle education programs, run in partnership with the Newport County YMCA, as well […]
Our work for #everytown #marchforourlives #momsdemand
Our work for #everytown #marchforourlives#momsdemand
DotheWave for Safer Streets
#dothewave for safer streets. This has been such a fun project for us and we love helping getting the word out to #stoplookwave. It only takes a second to make it safe for all.